Empowering Growth and Knowledge
The Executive Board of Governors and Trustees of UK Certified Knowledge Association (UKCKA) came to an understanding in their annual review in the year 2010 to have a collaboration with an independent corporation based in the UK, namely the UK Commission for Consistent Learning (UK-CCL) to take charge of Quality Professional Lifelong Blended Learning Assessment and Verification for all their respective Awards.
This is to ensure the Professional Quality Management Standards (PQMS) for Lifelong Diplomas and Memberships to the Quality Stand of National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF). This has given the Independent Authority to nominate appropriate Global Accredited Lifelong Learning and Training Centres to offer the UKCKA’s Learning Programs and Memberships.
This gives the option for UK-CCL the power to decline any application without giving reasons. Approved of Centres do have the privilege to conduct Workshops, Seminars with Assessments and Verifications of every Candidates eligibility.
UKCKA Executive Board of Governors and Trustees do declare that the decisions of UK-CCL examiners are final, and candidates must not enter into any correspondences with UK-CCL ‘s Professional Assessments and Verifications.
The Executive Board of Governors and Trustees of UK Certified Knowledge Association (UKCKA) came to an understanding in their annual review in the year 2010 to have a collaboration with an independent corporation based in the UK, namely the UK Commission for Consistent Learning (UK-CCL) to take charge of Quality Professional Lifelong Blended Learning Assessment and Verification for all their respective Awards. This is to ensure the Professional Quality Management Standards (PQMS) for Lifelong Diplomas and Memberships to the Quality Stand of National Vocational Qualification Framework (NVQF). This has given the Independent Authority to nominate appropriate Global Accredited Lifelong Learning and Training Centres to offer the UKCKA’s Learning Programs and Memberships. This gives the option for UK-CCL the power to decline any application without giving reasons. Approved of Centres do have the privilege to conduct Workshops, Seminars with Assessments and Verifications of every Candidates eligibility.
UKCKA Executive Board of Governors and Trustees do declare that the decisions of UK-CCL examiners are final, and candidates must not enter into any correspondences with UK-CCL ‘s Professional Assessments and Verifications. UKCCL does assure that, under no circumstances will not divulge any details of marks awarded.
UKCCL being the Exclusive Independent, Examiners, Assessors, and Verifiers for all UKCKA’s Lifelong Blended Educational Qualifications and Certified Memberships has the authority to offer respective Professional Qualifications with their specific awarding scheme of Credit Accumulated Transfer Scheme (CATS).